Our Services

With innovative and proactive use of technology

We respect all the stakeholders in the developmental processes who are putting their efforts and resources for bringing the marginalized section and communities. We also realize that quite a number of agencies either do not have capacity  or access to the knowledge base, tools, technologies and / or solutions, which can significantly affect the efficacy of the interventions.

Our services are dedicated to all partners and stakeholders of development processes. Following are our services:

  • Training and Capacity Building Services
  • Setting up Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Systems Services
  • Organizational Development Services
  • Project Designing Services
  • Project Implementation Support Services
  • Project Accompanying Services
  • Research and Evaluation
  • Technical Studies
  • Customize Software Services




Training and Capacity Building

Even though you and your team is working with devotion and dedication in the field, but you and your team sometimes feel that they do not have enough understanding or skills to address the issue being faced. Be it some technical issues like soil and water conservation principles or design and layout of water delivery system or be it need and possible demand of energy in case of energy based project programmes, or the simple principles of working in the field, solid liquid waste management technologies or documentation methods of different document types, we are always available to strengthen your team capacity on the issues you like.

We have 1 day to 5 day, depending on the theme and skills levels to be covered,  training and skill building programmes, which can be organized at your location or at our place,

We also can customize the training programmes as per your needs and requirements, depending on participants understanding and of course on your budget outlines.

Currently we have ready to deliver training programmes on the following Issues:

  • Soil and Water Conservation principles and methods: 5 days
  • Solid and Liquid Waste Management focusing on rural areas: 2 days
  • Documentation methods and skill development course: 2 Days
  • Wasteland development : 3 days
  • Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation: 2 days
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning and Documentation : 4 days



Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

You always dreamed  to get a big project and now you have got it. yes it was really incredible for you to get  this project from a difficult competition. You also realize, that real challenge starts now. Big projects sometimes may prove a big nightmare, if not handled properly. Continuous monitoring and regular evaluation is required to ensure not only big impacts but also successful completion of the project.

We can support you to establish the monitoring and evaluation systems depending on the indicators, outcomes and and impacts you have expected. This will help you to keep an eye on the project direction always. Even, we can also help you to give regular reflections of the project based on the reports generated by your own system, in form of suggestions and reports.

If you want to know more, please contact us with your specific requirements


Project Design Services

Concept Note and Full length proposals are two main and important steps of the project design. These phases not only need to focus on the actual issues being faced by the targeted section / community, but also needs to focus the priority area of the relevant funding /sponsoring agency. Concept note and proposal development is also a skill, which require alignment and presentation of community need, organizational thematic programmes and supporting agency’s focus area, including the country programmes, if it need to be incorporated. In addition, communicating the objectives as well as setting up indicators and monitoring systems to ensure the value for money and minimum risk components for the supporting agency is also quite important. Despite the fact, the Organizations are best to assess the community needs aligned to their programmes, it is not easy for all the organizations to put them all in proposal document, in structured manner due to lack of skills.

Identifying the issue, we can either support you to build the skills of your representatives who are responsible for proposal development through our specialized training program or we can also prepare concept notes and project proposals for you based on your specific requirements. Our team of experts will be putting its best efforts for you.

Concept Note

  • Writing Concept Notes  is the first step  not only for  convincing the funding agency but also towards ensuring clarity about the objectives, approach and outcomes. We understand that most worthy component for writing concept notes/ proposals is the ground experience and relevance of the planned interventions in context of the target group. and this can only be contributed by the team who is working with the target group. We put our enough efforts to ensure to get the input from our clients and put all threads and strengthen the concept  through technical validation. We understand need of funding agencies as well as constraints and issues of the Civil Society Organizations and ensure that we match them starting from the concept note stage.

Proposal Development

  • Proposal Development is the most rigorous process  aiming towards explaining the need of the target/ context, intended objectives of the implementing agencies and matching them with the fund objectives/ vision of the funding agency. Our experts will be able to help you out in the process through clearly spell the Goal, objectives and approach in consultation wiith you and completing the proposal for your client. This process also ensures that we provide you completely customized proposal matching with your requirements and expectations of the funding agencies.


  • To enhancing the efficiency of the developmental project global trend is to focus on the results and ensure result based monitoring and induce the result based management . RBM is the approach focuses on chain results of Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts, through i) Analyzing  problems and their causes, ii)  Identifying changes to be achieved based on the analysis of problems, iii)  Designing strategies and activities to achieve changes, and iv)  Balancing activities and available resources. Based on this approach, projects  need to be monitoring, the progress, evaluating and  documenting lessons and reporting on success and results and their contribution too the overall objectives and goalsLog frame Analysis, is the basically a framework, which help to  plan and structure the project according to the RBM approach. Our experts are able to help you according to these complicated but useful concepts and incorporating these in your projects.

Call / Request for Proposal, deadlines and related information

  • We understand that not only good implementation and  documentation is required  for making the impact on ground  but the funding opportunities are also required to be known for acquiring required resources. We provide this information to our members, relevant to their area of interest. This information includes RFPs, Call for proposals, other funding potentials, deadlines thereof etc

If you need any of our service, Please contact us and let us know your requirements, and we will get back to you.

 Project Implementation Support

Once you have got your Project, implementation phase also require outside support several time. this support can be in different forms, like training and skill building of project team, community, target section, surveys, studies on any aspect  in the project area or building up larger perspective, Participatory Rural Appraisal etc. following are few of the services, which can be accessed from us;

Training and Capacity Building

Once the project initiated, the first challenge come as the capacities of staff to deliver and capacities of the target community to adopt the identified practices/ interventions. We can provide capacity building guidelines for your team and for the community, training, or any kind of support. We provide customized training and capacity building support to our clients as per requirement. we also conduct training need assessment studies. 

Business Plans

Most of the organizations, involved in livelihood support projects, are taking route of business and enterprise development. This leads to the skills and resource development in such a way that outcomes survive even after leaving the project. Business plans require, resource analysis, skill set assessment, market surveys and demand and other similar kind of studies depending on the product and its value chain. Our enterprise value chain experts will be able to provide you full support for value chain development and business plan development

 Participatory Rural Assessment (PRA)

PRA and RRA are the assessment tools for project implementation planning. Different tools are there to carry out the PRA exercise which depends on nature of project and parameters to be assessed. Participatory approach is important and non negotiable. We can either design PRA exercise for you, train your team on PRA or do a complete PRA for your project based on the requirements.

Watershed Area and Command area

Watershed planning and development, tracking and monitoring mechanisms, impact assessments, Command area planning, On Farm Development works, Irrigation system design are the interventions which are a bit complex, too technical and required in different project. Our team is capable to take these studies / interventions through different tools including remote sensing, and GIS like tools can be taken up by our expert team.


Organization Developmentg

According to Richard Beckhard’s 1969 Organization Development: Strategies and Models:

Organization Development is an effort (1) planned, (2) organization-wide, and (3) managed from the top, to (4) increase organization effectiveness and health through (5) planned interventions in the organizations “processes,” using behavioral-science knowledge.

If you are willing to enhance the effectiveness of your organization, we can provide you full support in identifying and addressing the your concerns.

Please contact us to know more